Thursday, November 28, 2013

Video Game Introductions: アーネスト・エバンス・シリーズ アネット再び

Greetings to all readers!
Today I start a new section, that I will call Video Game Introductions. It will bring videos of the aforementioned introductions, in order to instigate the curiosity of those who do not know the games that I will show here, or make those who have played them recall this moment.

The first video I present here is from a Mega-CD game, released only in Japan. I present to you Earnest Evans Series - Annet Futatabi!

Click here to watch the video on the YouTube website

Text seen on the back cover of the game:
Annet Futatabi

Run! Ruin the ambition of "Nexesis", which acts secretly in Europe‼
Dance! Throws, defenses, continuous attacks, melee fights with various attacks and defenses‼
Color! Boasts the best of the series with super beautiful colors in full visal animation‼

A tiny curiosity: there is a typo in the words of the back cover described above, more specifically the word ビジアル (Romanized: bijiaru), that correctly would be ビジュアル (Romanized: bijuaru), meaning "visual".

Well, with only these information, could you imagine how is the game? For those who already know it, what memories this introduction brings?
Feel free to express your opinion and until next time!

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