Friday, February 28, 2014

Video Game Introductions: Shadowrun (Mega-CD)

Greetings to all readers!

Again I present you another introduction of a video game. Since earlier this month Iwakura Productions, which was founded last year with the intention of translating games for the English-speaking public, announced that initiated the translation of Shadowrun for the Mega-CD, I decided to show you here the scene from the beginning of this game, which was released only in Japan. Watch it!

Click here to watch the video on the YouTube website

Text seen on the back cover of the game:

The city in a near future/A.D. 2053 TOKYO.
There are people who bravely run through that world of shadows.
They who wear the modern miracle in their bodies are called "shadowrunners".

"The last strongest Mega-CD's RPG‼"

"The last strongest!" original scenario
"The last strongest!" adventure mode
"The last strongest!" mission mode
"The last strongest!" tactical combat
"The last strongest!" Matrix mode

The text of the back cover is quite interesting when we relate it to the game's history. They present it as the "The last strongest Mega-CD's RPG‼", and it was not only the last RPG to be released to the Mega-CD, and it has also been one of the last games released to the add-on (the antepenultimate, to be exact), exactly on February 23, 1996. As for being the "strongest RPG", I can not state this with conviction.
I stay here thinking: did Compile, the company that developed the game, already know the fate of the Mega-CD and then used the information in their advertising? I confess that I did not research the subject, but it is very likely.

Well, are you curious? By the description of the box, did you like to play it?
Feel free to express your opinion and until next time!

Further Reading:
Shadowrun for SEGA CD (1996) - Information about the game on MobyGames website.

[セガハード大百科] メガCD対応ソフトウェア(ソフトライセンシー発売) (in Japanese).
COMPILE GAME HISTORY -メガドライブ- - Information about the release date of the game in the old Compile website, on Internet Archive (in Japanese).

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